Rainy Day Amusements
1982 The Old Farmer's Almanac

1982 Old Farmer's Almanac
1982 Old Farmer's Almanac - RF Cafe[Index]

Reproduced here are various Mathematical Puzzles from The Old Farmer's Almanac, published continuously since 1792. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

The "Rainy Day Amusements" feature was not usually a mathematical challenge; for that, see the "Old & New Mathematical Puzzles" section. Some years they were worthwhile, end others not so much so. 1982 was a pretty good year for Rainy Day Amusements, so they are included here. Each autumn I used to anxiously await the appearance of the newest edition of The Old Farmer's Almanac on the store shelf, and such was the case with this 1982 issue. It is not that I was/am an avid farmer, just that I enjoy reading the anecdotes, tales, and interesting historical tidbits included amongst the pages along with tables of high and low tides, moon and sun rising and setting times, astronomical events, and weather patterns expected for the year that lay ahead. Most of all, I liked working the puzzles and riddles. Enjoy!

 Rainy Day Amusements (page 145), 1982 Old Farmer's Almanac - RF Cafe

Rainy Day Amusements Answers (page 146), 1982 Old Farmer's Almanac - RF Cafe



Posted May 1, 2021