Channel Master Antenna Advertisement
October 1959 Electronics World

October 1959 Electronics World

October 1959 Electronics World Cover - RF Cafe Table of Contents 

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Electronics World, published May 1959 - December 1971. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

A few months ago I posted a write-up on the vintage Alliance Model U-100 Tenna-Rotor that I installed in the garage attic with a Channel Master CM5020 VHF / UHF / FM antenna atop it. There are not many television antenna manufacturers around anymore; their numbers have been decreasing continually due first to the advent of cable-delivered TV and now with Internet-delivered TV. The "cord-cutter" movement is helping to give over-the-air television broadcasting a rebirth due to the outrageous cost of subscription programming. Anyone contemplating installing a television antenna today has the same concerns as those back in 1959 when this Channel Master advertisement appeared in Electronics World magazine - gain, directivity, bandwidth, ruggedness, how high to mount it, how to mount it (tower or pole), whether to use an antenna rotator, and transmission cable type. One new issue not normally present then is whether your community association (if one exists) allows or controls size and mounting height of your outdoor antenna.

Channel Master Ad

Channel Master Antenna Advertisement - RF CafeChannel Master is telling the T-W story to almost every family in the United States with the Most Spectacular Antenna Promotion of all time!


The Best of Antennas Delivers this Best of Promotions!

To help you sell more antenna replacements, Channel Master commercials will be broadcast from coast to coast by 4 of America's most popular TV shows over the entire NBC and ABC networks - 210 TV stations.

In addition to this full network coverage, 2 powerful national magazine campaigns will put the T-W story into 17 million homes... many of them right in your community.

These ads are aimed at telling consumers that their antenna installations are becoming old, worn out, obsolete, and that for the best possible TV reception they should replace their antennas with the T-W. This campaign has been designed to create new business for you by making the TV family T-W conscious.

Only Channel Master Gives the Dealer this Kind of Support! - RF CafeOnly Channel Master Gives the Dealer this Kind of Support!

Now meet the real star of the show...

Three years ago. Channel Master developed the Traveling Wave antenna. This breakthrough in antenna design was so revolutionary... so far ahead of its time... that modern science has not yet been able to produce a comparable antenna.

Here's why other antennas simply cannot equal the powerful performance of the Traveling Wave.

The T-W antenna, featuring the Traveling Wave principle, looks and operates differently from other antennas. All but one of its elements are driven. No conventional dipoles are used - only "hairpin" or "fat" dipoles, and a revolutionary new Controlled Impedance Dipole. The 2-stage phasing harness... the critical lengths and angles of the elements... the folded reflector... all combine to deliver these unique Traveling Wave advantages:

• Ideal phase relationships on all channels

• Optimum impedance on all channels

• Equal flow of current in all di­poles on all channels

• Fullest use of transmitted energy on all channels

As a result, the T-W brings your set miles closer to the TV transmitter, providing the highest gains and highest front-to-back ratios ever achieved in a broad-band antenna.

The T-W is the stand-up-and-take-it antenna!

The T-W is as rugged as it looks. When you install the T-W, you know this hefty performer is up to stay. It is, without a doubt, the strongest antenna ever built. Here's why:

"Twin Truss" Construction  

All elements and crossarm are made with "twin truss" design. The truss is a basic construction form used in bridges, airplane wings, and wherever high strength and light weight are required. This "twin truss" design makes each T-W element more than 5 times stronger than an ordinary dipole in its ability to withstand the heaviest wind and ice loads.

Ruggedized Mast Bracket  

Heavy-duty U-bolt grips the antenna to the mast. Twist-proof construction. 4 rivets secure the bracket to the mast.

Ruggedized Elements

Seamless 1/2" dia. sleeves, seamless 1/2" dia. U-bend... 20% heavier wall thickness than regular antenna construction.

"Line-Lok" Absorbs all transmission line tension. Can't tear at terminals.

Weatherproof Harness

Extra-thick 1/4" virgin polyethylene insulation protects impedance and elec­trical efficiency against salt air, rain, and ice.

Massive, Heavy Duty Insulator Moldings

The T-W has consumer recognition and acceptance!

Millions of consumers, including those in your own area, recognize and ask for the Channel Master brand name. Continuous full-scale advertising campaigns, local advertising, newspaper mats, window displays, streamers, and other advertising aids have made the American consumer T-W conscious. The Channel Master T-W out-sells, out-performs, out-lasts every other all-channel antenna. That's why this premium quality product is still the star of rooftop America... and a most profitable experience on the part of the dealer and the consumer alike.

Call Your Channel Master Distributor Today!

Channel Master Corp, Ellenville, N. Y.



Posted June 27, 2018