Mr. Peabody's WayBack Machine

Internet Archive's Wayback Machine - RF CafeIt is good practice to occasionally rehash old topics for two reasons. One is that there are always new people coming to the website and have not seen the information before (at least not here). The second is because most people, especially RF Cafe visitors, experience information overload just about every day so a lot of unused data gets pushed off the bottom of the memory stack.

Although RF Cafe on the Wayback Machine - RF Cafeadmittedly a bit self-serving, I want to remind you - or inform you for the first time as the case may be - about the really useful WayBack Machine (borrowed from Mr. Peabody's WABAC machine) at There, you have a good chance of finding long-gone web pages. Paul van Oorschot, of, just found the long ago disappearing article titled Near Field vs. Far Field from the equally mysteriously disappearing Conformity magazine website.




Posted  February 2013