Lego Robot for Solving a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube
Videos for Engineers

Watch a Nokia N95 smartphone drive this LEGO Speedcubing robot (big sport in the robotics nerd world). Constructed entirely from LEGO parts, it includes a vision system for ascertaining the cube's state while solving a 3x3x3 Rubik's cube from any start position in under 20 seconds, including the initial image capture. Thanks to a passionate, dedicated user base, LEGO has come a long way since introducing the blocks in 1949. They now carry a complete line of robotics devices, including processors, motors, and vision devices.

Here is a nifty bit of trivia for you: LEGO is an combining of the two Danish words leg and godt, meaning play well.

OK, so who can't solve a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube?

Watch Brain Guy solve a 7x7x7 in 6 minutes and 19 second!

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