RF Cascade Workbook© 2005 User's Guide - Chapter 10

Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Version 1.11

by Kirt Blattenberger

RF Cafe Website


Chapter 10

10    DC Power Budget

On this worksheet, cells are provided for entering the power supply voltages and currents for each device. Efficiencies are also assigned to each supply to permit the total system input power to be calculated.

Enter the supply voltage(s) in the cells at the top. Negative values do not affect the power calculation. The titles of the current and power columns will automatically change to reflect the values entered for the voltages.

Enter the efficiency of each supply to permit a total system power requirement to be calculated. Enter “100” for the efficiency otherwise.








Power supply nominal output voltages

-500 to +500




Efficiency in converting from input voltage to output voltage

1 to 100



Device Parameters

Device current requirement

-105 to +105



Table 7    DC Power Budget Input Parameters

Power calculation is straight forward as follows, where the power is the required output power from the associated supply:

RF  Cascade Workbook 2005 - RF Cafe

The system supply input power requirement is calculated using the efficiency value for each voltage:

RF  Cascade Workbook 2005 - RF Cafe

RF  Cascade Workbook 2005 - RF Cafe

Figure 18    DC Power Budget

Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

        9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Version 1.11

by Kirt Blattenberger

RF Cafe Website


Chapter 10